Event sponsored by:
Rethinking Diplomacy Program (RDP)
American Grand Strategy (AGS)
Duke Climate Commitment
John Hope Franklin Center (JHFC)
Sanford School of Public Policy
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
Linvill, Anna
U.S. State Department FSI Director, Ambassador Joan A. Polaschik
On Tuesday, November 19th 2024, from 10am to 3:30pm The Duke Rethinking Diplomacy Program will be hosting a day-long Foreign Service Career Day. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend the day's events. Lunch and refreshments are provided. No registration necessary for this event.
RDP Foreign Service Career Day Schedule
Session I: 10 AM - "Diplomacy in Action. Consider a Career Path with Global and Local Impact"
State Dept. Foreign Service Institute Director, Ambassador Joan A. Polaschik shares her career experience and information on diplomatic career paths. A State Department Global Talent Management Recruiter will be available to speak with attendees after the talk. All majors welcome! (No registration needed)
Lunch will be provided for attendees in the Rhodes Conference Room (Sanford 223) starting at 11:30am.
Session II: 12 PM Public Lecture - "Rethinking Diplomatic Training"
A conversation with Ambassador Joan A. Polaschik on the modernization of the US State Department and the growing importance of technical knowledge in global health, climate, and cybersecurity, among others- in diplomatic careers. (This Lecture is Open to the General Public. No Registration needed)
Session III: 1:30-3:30 PM Networking Event
Join us for coffee and conversation with former ambassadors and veteran members of the Foreign Service. Learn about Foreign Service careers and life in the Foreign Service. All Majors Welcome! (No registration needed)
Three years ago, Secretary of State Antony Blinken outlined a vision to modernize American diplomacy, grounded in a keen understanding that an entirely new set of global issues, including climate, global health, and cybersecurity, is redefining national security. To successfully advance U.S. interests in this changing world, U.S. diplomats not only need fluency in these new issue sets, but they also need an organizational culture that values and rewards career-long learning. As part of Secretary Blinken's Modernization Agenda, the Foreign Service Institute has embarked on an ambitious, multi-year program to better align diplomatic training to U.S. strategic objectives and change the way the State Department thinks about learning.