Below is a list of currently open positions at CHSI:
Biophysical Immunology Team
Contact: Moses Sekaran
Currently, there are no open positions within the Biophysical Immunology Team. If you are interested in being part of our team, please email your resume and a cover letter to Moses Sekaran for consideration against positions in the future.
Antibody Immune Technology Team
Contact: Kelly Seaton
Currently, there are no open positions within the Biophysical Immunology Team. If you are interested in being part of our team, please email your resume and a cover letter to Kelly Seaton for consideration against positions in the future.
Antibody Immune Technology Team
Contact: Nicole Yates
Lab Research Analyst I
Apply at: Duke Careers
Influenza Assay Team
Contact: Sarah Ann Gurley
Currently, there are no open positions within the Influenza Assay Team. If you are interested in being part of our team, please email your resume and a cover letter to Sarah Ann Gurley for consideration against positions in the future.
Biostatistics Team
Contact: Sheetal Sawant
Currently, there are no open positions within the Biostatistics Team. If you are interested in being part of our team, please email your resume and a cover letter to Sheetal Sawant for consideration against positions in the future.
Research Program Development Team
Contact: Sarah Mudrak
Currently, there are no open positions within the Research Program Development Team.
CHSI Division of Innate & Comparative Immunology is not hiring at the moment. Please keep visiting this page for future opportunities.
Hiring Group: Center for Human Systems Immunology
Manager(s): Dr. Cliburn Chan
Apply: Duke External Job Posting