Joint NC BERD Seminar: A conditional multi-label model to improve prediction of a rare outcome: an illustration predicting autism diagnosis

August 28, 2024
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Event sponsored by:

Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI)
School of Medicine (SOM)


BERD Methods Core



Angel Huang, PhD
This seminar will give an overview of a study to develop a novel approach using routinely collected electronic health records (EHRs) data to improve the prediction of a rare event. To achieve this, we introduced a conditional multi-label model by merging conditional learning and multi-label methodologies. The conditional learning approach breaks a hard task into more manageable pieces in each stage, and the multi-label approach utilizes information from related neurodevelopmental conditions to learn predictive latent features. The study involved forecasting autism diagnosis by age 5.5 years, utilizing data from the first 18 months of life, and the analysis of feature importance correlations to explore the alignment within the feature space across different conditions. Zoom: This event is being cross-promoted by the NC BERD Consortium, a collaboration of the CTSA-funded BERD cores at UNC-Chapel Hill, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, and Duke University School of Medicine.